New email retention service coming soon

OIT has enabled Google Vault email retention and e-Discovery service for all Google Apps @ NC State accounts, including student accounts.

Vault makes it easier for all NC State employees to retain copies of all work-related electronic documents, including those of a non-transient nature, as required by the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. 132-1). See Record Retention.

Avoid deleting any message that you might need again. With your unlimited email storage in Google Apps, you never have to delete anything and can keep it as long as you want.

Use the Gmail “Archive” button to remove messages from your Inbox and help to keep it tidy; all your messages will be stored in “All Mail.” To retrieve a message, you can search for it from your Inbox or select “All Mail” and search for it. See:

Consider using labels and filters to keep your Inbox clutter-free and find your mail more easily!


  • Vault retains undeleted email indefinitely.
  • Vault retains deleted email for seven years from its send date, even after it was auto-removed from your Trash or you chose to “Delete forever.”


  • You can retrieve an email from Trash for about 25 days after it has been labeled as Trash, as long as you have not chosen to “Delete forever.”
  • With Vault’s end-user interface, you will be able to retrieve from Vault:
    • any undeleted message indefinitely and
    • any deleted message for up to seven years after its send date, including one that you chose to “Delete forever” or that was auto-removed from your Trash after about 25 days.


  • Use Gmail filters to ensure specific messages are delivered to your Inbox and not your Spam label. See Using Filters.
  • Use the Report Spam button to remove real spam messages from your Inbox. This will train Gmail to identify them as such. However, be aware that some unwanted email is NOT spam.

To keep abreast of NC State’s transition to Google Vault, visit Central Email Retention Services regularly.