MacPolicy 08102010


MacPolicy Group Agenda

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1:30 to 2:30 — Room B16-B Hillsborough Bld.

Note: 8 members present
1) Announcements – 5 min

  1. OIT will support only version 10.4.11 or newer of Mac OS X after Dec 31, 2009
  2. OIT  does not have a  support policy for Boot Camp.
  3. OIT  does not support Classic mode at all.
  4. MacOS AMP Licenses and Media at
  5. VirusBarrior X5 – Update filters with NetUpdate.
  6. New short url for OIT Macintosh Support Web Site
  7. Unity Macintosh Kit uses /Users/$uid$ in the Active Directory configuration to create a local home on each machine
  8. Modified Unity Macintosh Kits are supported by the unit which has made the modifications.
  9. Only Apple, Intel (i386) hardware are supported for Unity Macintosh kits.
  11. UNC CAUSE November 8-10, 2010 Hilton Riverside Wilmington, NC.
2) Update on UNC-GA CPI  – 5 min.
Apple products may be purchased using Marketplace as usual.  The Sales Exception Quote process may be used to get better prices on Apple products as usual.  The UNC-GA CPI Group is negotiating with Apple now but this does not prohibit the purchase of Apple Products.  Also note iPads are not considered laptop or desktop computers.  Discussion.
NOTES: None.3) Trend Micro Office Scan for Macintosh Managed Client Update  – 5 min.
OIT is deploying Office Scan for Macintosh in the Fall 2010 kit.  Due to elevated workload of email system transitions OIT is targeting Fall Break 2010 as a soft roll out to replace Virus Barrier.  We are looking for  several IT support folks to verify our testing, if interested email Discussion.
NOTES: None.
4) Casper Imaging Server Update  – 5 min.
OIT has several folks testing the Casper imaging server at .  Design, Extension, Education, Math and Textiles are all in some stage of testing.  So far imaging using bit copy (ard restore) is working.  Design has been able to image both MacOS and BootCamp partitions.  Design also has successfully used a replica server for both netboot and casper imaging.  We continue to work out full automation details and some AD binding issues.  More information in MacTech during the Tech Short today.  Discussion.
NOTES:  None.
5) Fall Unity Macintosh Image Update    – 5 min.
The Fall Unity Macintosh Image is complete and ready to use.  OIT will be delivering the image using Casper Imaging Server.  Discussion
NOTES: None.
6) Casper Suite Test Server for Evaluation  – 10 min.
There has been interest in evaluation of the full Casper Suite as best of breed tool for managing Macintosh computers.  OIT has obtained at temperary evaluation license for the product and put up a tempary, test server at . The evaluation license expires September 15, 2010. Please email Everette_Allen for access.  See handout for feature set.  This would be able to deliver software, do both software and hardware inventory, manage MCX preferences, and effect policies based on directory groups and lots more. OIT has a quote for 2,000 seats for about $54k or about $26 per seat. Demo in MacTech. Discussion.
NOTES:  2nd year cost get quote to verify.  Design is interested in participating.
UPDATE 08202010: The 2nd and following year cost is only that of the support contract which includes both software updates/maintenance and ongoing technical support at $9 per seat or $9 x 2000 = $18 K per year.
7) Mac OS X VLA becomes Macintosh Collection AELP   – 15 min.
The current Mac OS X Volume License agreement in place ends September 30, 2010 for NC State.  Te VLA is now replaced by Apple with an annual program called the Apple Educational Licensing Program for the Mac Software Collection.  The collection includes MacOS X, iLife, and iWork and 1 year maintenance for all 3 products.  Based on the Fall 2009 survey OIT intends to do cost recovery for the 2,200 machines managed by MacPolicy/Tech at about $60,494 or about $28 per seat.  This is about $1 cheaper than the current price of Mac OS X education license alone.  These are perpetual licenses and one year maintenance.  Discussion.
2nd year cost on adding new machines ??  Verify
8) Q&A   – 5 min.
You ask we try to answer.
NOTES: None.
Next meeting – Tue. Sep 14, 2010 in Room B16-B Hillsborough from 1:30-2:30 pm.   
MacTech – 2nd Tuesday each month: 2009: Jan 19, Feb 19, Mar 9, Apr 13, May 11, Jun 8,  Aug 10, Sep 14, Oct 12, Nov 9, Dec 14
MacPolicy – 2nd Tuesday of every other month:  2009: Jan. 19, Mar. 9, May. 11, Aug 10, Sep. 14, Nov. 9.
All meetings will be held in B16-B Hillsborough Bld unless otherwise announced.
Please mark your calendar.