In recognition of Cyber Security Awareness Month, OIT is planning a series of presentations in October to “increase the awareness and prevention of online security problems.” Organized by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance, National Cyber Security Awareness Month is an annual effort.
Tim Gurganus of OIT Security and Compliance will present the opening presentation, “NCSU Annual State of InfoSecurity,” from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 8 in the Assembly Room (Room 2130) of D.H. Hill Library. An introspective look at the state of computer security on campus, this presentation will cover the major computer security incidents of the past year, the university’s capabilities for dealing with them and the challenges that remain to build a secure computing environment for teaching, applying knowledge and conducting research. Come learn about the viruses that are active on campus, how passwords are phished, what servers are most often compromised and how you might be sending spam and leaking data. Find out what you should or should not do to protect your computer and data on today’s e-campus. Refreshments will be served at 11:30 a.m. Visit the OIT Web siteto see upcoming cyber security awareness events.