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NC State Captioning Grants available 

As NC State faculty integrate more multimedia into their courses, it is imperative that these courses are captioned. 

Course captioning ensures students who need it for a disability-related accommodation can access course content. Other benefits of captioning include improved accessibility for non-native English speakers, improved reading comprehension, literacy skills, and search capabilities.  

The IT Accessibility Office recommends that faculty proactively caption all class multimedia as part of their efforts to create an inclusive learning environment.

To assist faculty members, the IT Accessibility Office sponsors the NC State Captioning Grant that funds captioning in official university classes that:

  • have a student with a disability that requires captioning as an accommodation; or
  • the instructor wants to proactively caption multimedia. 

Faculty can apply for the captioning grant anytime during the academic year by completing and submitting the Captioning Grant Form

For more information, contact Crystal Tenan, NC State IT accessibility coordinator, at or 919.513.4087.