Meet with custom backgrounds

Whether it’s an image of your remote office space or your favorite campus locale, you can now add it as a custom background in Google Meet. 

You can choose to add a custom background before or during a video call using the Chrome web browser. 

To upload a custom background before a video call:

  1. From the Google Meet join screen, choose the Change Background icon Meet Change background icon in the lower right corner of the video display.
  2. Click the Add + option.
  3. Browse your computer to select and upload an image

To upload a custom background during a video call:

  1. Click the More menu.More Options Icon
  2. Select the Change Background icon.
  3. Click the Add + option.
  4. Browse your computer to select and upload an image

Note: Adding backgrounds to Meet calls can impact performance and slow down your device. 

For more information on custom backgrounds in Meet, visit Change your background in Google Meet.