Computing Lab Use Rules

Authority: Vice Chancellor for Information Technology
History: First issued in 1993; last revised, May 11, 2015
Scope: NC State students, faculty, staff

Description of service
NC State has approximately 100 student computing facilities on campus. The Office of Information Technology supports the Unity computer labs. Unity labs are equipped with Windows-based, Unix and Macintosh workstations, all of which provide high-speed Internet connections and access to the file space, software and other resources of the Unity/Eos academic computing environment. Many computer labs in colleges and other campus units have discipline-specific resources. Colleges may apply additional rules for use of their facilities.

Groups eligible for service
All with active Unity accounts

Types of use
University business, academic or personal

Duration of service

No additional cost

To obtain service
Unity labs are open to all NC State students, faculty and staff with active Unity accounts. Accounts are automatically created for students when they first register for classes and for faculty and staff when they are hired.

Rules of use

All NC State computer and network resources are governed by Administrative Regulations – Computer Use

  1. All those who use University facilities are expected to take proper care of the equipment. Any equipment malfunction should be immediately reported to staff on duty or to the organization responsible for the facility. Users of computing facilities may not move, repair, reconfigure, or modify the computing systems.
  2. Recreational use of workstations in University computing labs during periods of light usage is permitted.
    No one may play games or engage in other recreational activities on workstations when others are waiting to use them for academic purpose.
  3. It is the responsibility of game players to recognize when resources are needed and to give up their seats to other users. It should not be necessary for someone to ask them to move.
  4. Users must realize that they are in an academic facility and refrain from noise, sound effects, violent motion, etc., which may disturb others in the facility.

Individual Unity computing labs (supported by OIT ) and other University-owned computing labs may post additional operational rules and restrictions. These rules must be filed with the University’s Office of Legal Affairs. Users are responsible for reading and following these rules.

For more information about Unity computing labs see: Unity computer labs

For more information about college computing labs see:

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