Campus IT Directors (CITD) Committee


The CITD is the university-wide, top-level advisory group of campus IT personnel whose focus is on maintaining a broad technical awareness of the IT environment internally and externally, with an eye toward reducing duplication of effort, consolidating resources, fostering innovation, and scaling solutions that have broad appeal or usefulness.

Team Members (Google Sheet)

Public Notes & Other Documents (Google Drive folder)


The technically- and operationally-focused CITD considers all matters brought to it by the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology (VCIT), by the Strategic IT Committee (SITC) or one of its subcommittees, or by the members of the committee.

The CITD is responsible for coordinating communication across the campus, acting as the primary sponsor to present recommendations regarding IT infrastructure and architecture to the VCIT and the SITC, as well as being a sounding board for the VCIT on the impact and implications of executive decision-making.

The CITD also consults on the operational efficiency of the IT advisory groups and provides input on coordination of the governance structure. The CITD vets, comments on, refines, and revises recommendations while they are in the process of being formed by the committees.

The CITD acts as an advisor to the SITC on policy matters.


The CITD is comprised of senior IT leadership in OIT, the colleges, and units with significant IT operations, including:

Office of Information Technology

  • Asst. Vice Chancellor of Communication Technologies
  • Asst. Vice Chancellor of Enterprise Application Services
  • Asst. Vice Chancellor of Outreach, Communication & Consulting
  • Asst. Vice Chancellor of Shared Services
  • Asst. Vice Chancellor of Technology Support Services
  • Chief Information Security Officer

Division of Academic & Student Affairs — Director of DASA Technology Services

Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications

  • Director of Educational Technology Services
  • Director of Media Production Services

College of Sciences — Director of Information Technology

College of Engineering — Director of Information Technology

  • Electrical & Computer Engineering — Director of Information Technology & Operations

College of Design — Director of Information Technology

Poole College of Management — Director of Information Technology

College of Natural Resources — Director of Information and Instructional Technology

College of Humanities and Social Sciences — Director of Information Technology

College of Education — Director of Information Technology

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

  • Director of Information Technology
  • Director of Extension Information Technology

College of Veterinary Medicine

  • Director of Information Technology
  • Director of Academic Support Services

Wilson College of Textiles – Director of Information Technology & Operations

Internal Audit – IT Internal Auditor

NCSU Libraries

  • Head of Information Technology
  • Associate Director for the Digital Library

University Advancement Services – Executive Director for Advancement Information & Technology

Campus Enterprises – IT Representative

Facilities – IT Representative

EHPS/Security Applications & Technologies – IT Representative

The membership may decide by consensus to alter the membership based on institutional reorganizations, the institution of new programs, or other events.

All members recommended to serve on this committee will be approved by the VCIT.


The CITD has a chair, a chair-elect and a secretary:

Chair – The committee will elect a chair who will be responsible for organizing and leading the committee and for representing the CITD as necessary and appropriate. The term of the chair shall be one year.

Chair-elect – The committee will elect a chair-elect who will assist the chair in executing responsibilities of the office and assume the role of chair at the end of term. The chair-elect serves as the CITD representative to the SITC. The chair-elect shall temporarily assume duties for the chair in the event the chair is unable to perform them. The term of the chair-elect shall be one year.

Secretary – The committee will elect a secretary who will assist the chair in administrating and organizing the committee. The secretary will post synopsis of issues provided by sponsors that have been finalized by the CITD. The term of the secretary shall be one year.

If any officer is unable to perform the requisite duties, a special election may be held to fill the position for the remainder of the term.

The CITD will not allow substitutes by the members in their absence, with the exception of when a member may not be able to attend for an extended number of meetings. The committee makes decisions by consensus; dissenting opinions may be documented in meeting notes upon request.  The term of members is set for the duration of their appointment to a senior IT management position at NC State.

In general, the CITD does not maintain subcommittees, although it may interact regularly with the subcommittees of the SITC and IT advisory groups. The CITD may create subgroups of its membership as necessary to carry out specific goals. The CITD may also create task forces or working groups of short-term duration to accomplish a specific task or study, but in general should refer this type of activity to one of the established governance committees, subcommittees or councils.


Meeting Frequency and Attendance

The CITD meets regularly, generally on a monthly basis.  During the first 30-minutes of most meetings the committee may be in executive session. Following that, meetings are generally open for guests and those interested in topics being discussed to attend.