MacPolicy 11162010





MacPolicy Group Agenda

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1:30 to 2:30 — Room B16-B Hillsborough Bld.

1) Announcements – 5 min

  1. OIT will support only version 10.4.11 or newer of Mac OS X after Dec 31, 2009 
  2. OIT  does not have a  support policy for Boot Camp.
  3. OIT  does not support Classic mode at all.
  4. MacOS AMP Licenses and Media at
  5. VirusBarrior X5 – Update filters with NetUpdate.
  6.  OIT Macintosh Support Web Site for updates.
  7.  Unity Macintosh Kit uses /Users/$uid$ in the Active Directory configuration to create a local home on each machine at login
  8.  Modified Unity Macintosh Kits are supported by the unit which has made the modifications.
  9.  Only Apple, Intel (i386) hardware are supported for Unity Macintosh kits.


2) Apple Software, AELP, MacOSX Server bulk, ARD bulk Update – 5 min.

OIT has renewed the volume license agreement for Mac OS X collection. We are waiting for media and confirmation. The 25 seat bulk buy for ARD is up for renewal and each unit participating will be notified.  The bulk buy for MacOS X Server is also ready fro renewal and notification will be sent as well.  We can add to the MacOS X Server license in blocks of 5.  If anyone is interested in adding Server licenses please contact before close of business November 19, 2010.   Discussion. 

 NOTES: . None.


2) AutoCad for Mac and Revit – 5 min.

OIT has sent out requests for folks who want to purchase AutoCAD for Macinotsh.  It appears that the AutoCAD product may expand on the Mac to include the Revit suite (  Should we wait for Revit ?? Discussion. 

 NOTES: . Design and Education would like to wait to see if any product gets added to campus license agreement.


3) The UNC Combined Pricing Initiative (CPI) Program at NC State  – 5 min.

Apple desktops and laptops are not a part of the CPI program at this time and may still be purchased. They are not included in any calculations related to the 20% limit on exceptions, though they should be purchased through the MarketPlace e-procurement system.  UPDATE: we hear that negotiations are still in process but moving forward. Discussion.

NOTES: An issue using Safari, Firefox, and Chrome was reported by Bill B. when trying to create an order from the Apple Store point of sale in Market place. Fire Fox 2.2 appears to be able to access the Apple Store in Market place when other more modern browsers will not.


4) Trend Micro Office Scan for Macintosh Managed Client Update  – 5 min.

OIT is working to make Trend Micro Office Scan for Macintosh available for download to the campus community over Winter break 2010.  This will replace the current Virus Barrier X5. Updates are handled via the application and this is a managed antivirus service.  Office Scan Mac is running in the Fall 2010 kit. This was pushed back from Fall break release due to staffing changes around the documentation. Discussion.

NOTES: None .


5) Casper Full Suite Purchase is in Purchasing – 10 min.

OIT has purchased 1900 seats of  the full Casper Suite for use on campus.  OIT contributed the initial purchase cost and setup cost.  Several units bought in by paying annual maintenance of  $9.90 per seat.  The evaluation server remains in place and has a valid license until Nov 30, 2010.  OIT had also purchased 66 extra seats but those have be claimed and we will be looking at another order. There is no commitment from OIT management to cover the initial cost for the second order.  The initial cost is $16.50 which is added to the 1st year annual maintenance cost of $9.90 giving a total per seat cost of $26.40.  If anyone is interested in getting seats on the second order please send FAS, OUC, Bookkeeper name and phone number to Discussion.

NOTES: None.


6) Q&A   – 5 min.

You ask we try to answer. 

NOTES: Discussion on virus threats and security issues.  Some discussion on UNC CAUSE.


Next meeting – ***Tue. Jan , 2011 in Room B16-B Hillsborough from 1:30-2:30 pm date TBA.   

MacTech – 2nd Tuesday each month 2010: Dec 14; 2011: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,  Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

MacPolicy – 2nd Tuesday of every other month:  2009: Jan Mar, May, Aug, Sep, Nov.

Neither MacPolicy or MacTech will meet in July 2011.All meetings will be held in B16-B Hillsborough Bld unless otherwise announced. 

Please mark your calendar.