Security access certification for Human Resources and Financial systems due May 14

Security access certification for Human Resources and Financial systems due May 14

The OIT Security and Compliance unit is requesting campus deans and vice chancellors review and certify their staffs’ access to the Human Resources and Financial systems by Monday, May 14.

The University Data Management Procedures require that each dean and vice chancellor review semi-annually (usually in April and October) their staff’s security access to university computer systems and that their staff’s security profiles be certified on an annual basis.

To review staff’s security access to the Human Resources and the Financial systems, access the Web Security Reports directly or use the MyPack Portal. In the Portal, select the For Faculty and Staff tab, Security Access – SAR and then Security Reports. The Security Reports now show both active and inactive employees who are currently assigned to a specific department and have access to the system. A second report, the Web Security Exception Report (available to division level approvers only), displays individuals who have security access to department data but are no longer in the department due to a transfer or termination.

The certification form should be completed and returned to OIT Security and Compliance by Monday, May 14. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the NC State Help Desk at or 515-HELP (4357).