MacPolicy 05122009


MacPolicy Group Agenda
May 12, 2009
1:30 to 2:30 — Room B16-B Hillsborough Bld.
1) Announcements – 5 min
a) NO JULY 14 MEETING: MacPolicy and MacTech will both meet Aug 11, 2009 instead.
b) OIT will support only version 10.3 or newer of Mac OS X after Dec 31, 2008.
c) OIT will support only version 10.4 or newer of Mac OS X after Dec 31, 2009 
d) OIT  does not have a  support policy for Boot Camp.
e) OIT  does not support Classic mode on either ppc or intel hardware at all.
f) MacOS AMP Licenses and Media at, Click on the MacOS X VLA Form. DVD ONLY! 
g) VirusBarrior X5 – Update defs with NetUpdate.
h) Remember to  look at OIT Macintosh Support Web Site for updates.
i) Unity Macintosh Kit uses /Users/$uid$ in the LDAPv3 configuration to create a local home on each machine at login
j) Modified Unity Macintosh Kits are supported by the unit which has made the modifications.
k) No one from OIT will be attending WWDC 2009 due to travel restrictions and budget cuts.
l) All OIT distributed Symantec Antivirus software must be removed by June 15, 2009 to remain in license compliance.
2) Bulk Buy Report – 5 min.
Bulk Buys Everette can account for on Apple Hardware saved NC State University about $41,261 in 2008-09 Discussion.
3) Summer 2009 Kit  – 20 min.
Finished and ready except for Adobe Acrobat security patches due May 12, 2009 and QA of those patches. Discussion
4) Maple, MatLab, Mathematica- Which Versions? – 5 min.
Discussion of which version of Maple 12 or 13, Matlab 2008a or 2009a, and Mathematica 6 or 7 we should deploy for Summer Kit and then for Fall 2009 Kit?

5)Adobe Acrobat Security Issues   – 10 min.

There are serious security concerns with Adobe’s Acrobat Reader and Acrobat Pro applications on all platforms in a warning from NC State OIT’s Security and Compliance group.Please read the Sysnews posting at: And this posting from Adobe: OIT will delay the delivery of the Summer I Unity Macintosh Kit until after Adobe patches Acrobat to fix this issue. We believe this will be sometime after May 12, 2009.


6) Mac OS X Server and Help Desk Support Pro – 20 min.
The NC State Bookstores has purchased Apple Care Mac OS X server Software Support – Select for the entire campus! OIT will administer.  We have registered the product.  This is one year license and will expire April 1, 2010. Access is available to Service Source including hardware diagrams, and Help Desk including diagnostic tools and training.  Discussion.

7) Q&A   – 10 min.
You ask we try to answer. 
Next meeting – Tue. Aug 11, 2009 in Room B16-B Hillsborough from 1:30-2:30 pm.   
MacTech – 2nd Tuesday each month: 2009: Jan. 13, Feb. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 14, May. 12, Jun. 9, Aug. 11, Sep. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10, Dec.8 
MacPolicy – 2nd Tuesday of every other month:  2009: Jan. 13, Mar. 10, May. 12, Aug 11, Sep. 8, Nov. 10.
All meetings will be held in B16-B Hillsborough Bld. 
Please mark your calendar.