The OIT Security and Compliance unit is requesting campus deans and vice chancellors to review and certify their staff’s access to the Student Information System (SIS) by Wednesday, Dec. 22. The University Data Management Procedures require each dean and vice chancellor semi-annually (usually in April and October) to review his or her staff’s security access to university computer systems and to annually check that staff security profiles have been certified.
Deans and vice chancellors can review their staff’s security access to SIS via the Web Security Report, which shows both active and inactive employees who are currently assigned to their department/OUC and have access to the system. The Web Security Exception Report displays both active and inactive individuals who are not employed in a dean or vice chancellor’s department/OUC, but who have security access to department records. The exception report, however, is only available to SAR Division-Level Approvers. If you have any questions, please contact the NC State Help Desk at 515-4357 or via e-mail at