“Fighting Mass-Produced Malware” Lunch & Learn on Sept. 5
OIT will present “Fighting Mass-Produced Malware” on Wednesday, Sept. 5 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in 216 Scott Hall.
Computer viruses are no longer written by a lone evil genius, they are mass produced using exploit kits and other so-called crimeware. These crimeware applications are running on thousands of websites every day, some of which you connect to through Internet ads, links in email or Facebook messages. Many of these exploit kits contain common features and produce malware that installs and infects in similar ways. While the volume of new malware makes it hard for antivirus software to keep up, the common elements in exploit kit viruses make defending against them possible using other methods.
This lunch and learn will present several anti-exploitation applications that you can install on your Windows computer to make it much less likely that new viruses will successfully infect it. It will also explain and demonstrate how modern malware attacks are built and executed so you can avoid them. Some analysis techniques for detecting modern malware also will be presented. To register, visit Classmate.