OIT to turn off Quarantine Reporting in Postini

OIT to turn off Quarantine Reporting in Postini

On Saturday, Feb. 16, OIT will turn off the Quarantine Reporting feature in Postini, NC State’s central anti-spam/antivirus and email archiving system. If you are receiving a Quarantine Summary each morning, you will cease getting it, and Google’s spam service will take over filtering spam messages. Once this change takes effect, you will still be able to log in to Postini to check your archive, but the “Manage junk filters” feature for spam will no longer be available.

Because Postini will now pass spam to Google instead of holding it in quarantine, you might be surprised at the amount of spam you receive in Google at first. All spam will be retained in your Spam folder, and you can review it and move it back into your inbox, or leave it there and after 30 days, it will be emptied to the trash.

You will find that Google’s spam service is much better at learning and remembering what you consider spam. After about a week, you will be more confident that what is in your Spam folder is in fact spam, and you may choose not to review every message.

A large percentage of campus users have already manually turned off Quarantine Reporting, and you can do that as well. For instructions, visit Stopping Delivery of Your Daily Quarantine Report from Postini.

This change is in preparation for OIT’s transition away from Postini as its anti-spam/antivirus service. The Postini email archiving service also will be changing to Google’s Vault service for e-discovery and archiving, but that change is not slated to happen until later in 2013.

Note: Like many systemwide changes, turning off the Quarantine Reporting feature for the university’s domain will be a “rolling transition.” This means it could take up to a week for all campus users to see the change take effect in their email.

If you have any questions about this change, contact the NC State Help Desk at 515-4357 or help@ncsu.edu.