MacTech Group Agenda
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
2:00 to 4:30 pm — Room B16-B Hillsborough Bld.
1) Announcements – 5 min
OIT will support only version 10.7.5 or newer of Mac OS X after Dec 31, 2013
OS X versions that shipped with Intel Hardware:
*Vintage and Obsolete Apple Products:
Apple Education Support Line 800-800-2775 use this number only. Always verify Apple Care Coverage with purchase info.
OIT does not have a support policy for Boot Camp. & OIT does not support Classic mode at all.
Mac Collection Licenses and Media info at
Trend Micro Office Scan for Macintosh – Managed antivirus for campus.
OIT Macintosh Support Web Site for updates.
Unity Macintosh Workflow uses /Users/$uid$ in the Active Directory configuration with a local home on each machine
Modified Unity Macintosh Installs are supported by the unit which has made the modifications.
OIT supports only Apple, Intel (i386) hardware for Mac OS and software. Only unmodified iOS is supported.
Please remember to check prices at to verify best price with NC State Marketplace
Authorized NC State personnel wanting to get access to training and tools for Apple Certified Technician should register at Email for Sold-to Account number and approval.
UNC Combined Pricing Initiative (CPI)
Casper Suite Enterprise service (Admin:
New Casper 9.2 service is at This will be the unified hosted service after Dec 18, 2013
2) UNC System Wide JAMF Video Conference- 120 min
We will join the UNC System wide video conference to listen to the presentation by JAMF Software and learn the direction the UNC System will go using unified, hosted JSS and JDS. Discussion
3) Casper 9 transition – 20 min
SysNews Posting:
OIT will be moving to a vendor hosted version of Casper Suite 9.2 as part of the next upgrade to the Casper Suite Enterprise Service on Dec 18, 2013. Each group currently using their own prefix (ie OIT, OIT-CS, DES, LIB, etc) will be moved into their own Casper Site for secure federated management. Note that all packages are still shared. OIT would like for each unit to provide a directory group (AD or ldap) containing people that can be administrators of their Casper Site. Optionally those wanting to package software should provide a directory group containing the people who can package software. NOTE: Package naming will need to change. Currently each unit is required to name packages with unit prefix. In Casper 9.x the unit prefixes will change to add “NCSU-“ So packages made by OIT would now be named NCSU-OIT-packagename. This is to avoid issues with other UNC system schools in the hosted environment. One notable new feature is that Casper Admin is no longer required but all packages can be added to Casper using just a web browser. If your unit would like to host a JAMF Distribution Server (JDS) or NetBoot Server please email so we can work out the details. NOTE when we transition to 9.x all mobile devices must be re-enrolled. And Capser 9.2+ has support for management of Apple TVs but we do not yet know what, if any, the license costs are. Discussion
4) Q&A – 5 min. You ask we try to answer
Next meeting – Jan 14, 2014 in Room B16-B Hillsborough from 2:30-4:30 pm.
MacTech – 2nd Tuesday each month: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
MacPolicy – 2nd Tuesday of every other month: Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov.
Neither MacPolicy or MacTech will meet in August. All meetings will be held in B16-B Hillsborough Bld unless otherwise announced.