Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 22, OIT will send Web Registry renewal notifications to individuals listed as contacts for Google groups, resources or generic accounts. This annual renewal time provides an opportunity for contacts to delete those items they no longer need. The renewal deadline is Saturday, March 15.
If you are listed as a contact, you will receive an email on or shortly after Jan. 22 with instructions on how to renew and/or request deletion of a Google group, resource or generic account. Please be sure to respond to this request when it arrives, as non-responses are treated as requests to delete. OIT will send several reminder notifications to you prior to March 15.
This is also an excellent time for you to log in to Web Registry to make sure both your administrative and technical contacts are up-to-date. Over the course of a year, people change jobs or leave the university, and the contacts get outdated. It’s important to keep contacts current so that you can effectively manage your item(s) in Web Registry.
If you have any questions concerning the renewal notification, please contact the NC State Help Desk at or 919.515.HELP (4357).