Protecting private data is a responsibility you can’t ignore! If you handle personal information such as social security numbers, financial information and educational and medical records, you have a duty and responsibility to protect it in the same manner you would want your own private data protected.
In observance of Data Privacy Month, Jan. 28 to Feb. 28, OIT encourages you to watch all of the brief SANS Securing the Human videos — especially Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Data Protection — to learn valuable steps for protecting the privacy of all campus constituents.
Sign in to Moodle with your Unity ID and password and then click Enroll me to access these brief videos. For more information on privacy and security, contact Leo Howell, OIT Security and Compliance assistant director of IT Policy and Compliance, at