MacPolicy Group Agenda
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
2:00 to 2:30 — Room B16-B Hillsborough Bld.
1) Announcements – 5 min
a OIT only supports version 10.8.5 or newer of Mac OS X after Dec 31, 2014
b OS X versions that shipped with Intel Hardware:
c Vintage and Obsolete Apple Products:
d Apple Education Support Line 800-800-2775 use this number only. Always verify Apple Care Coverage with purchase info.
e OIT does not have a support policy for Boot Camp. & OIT does not support Classic mode at all.
f Mac Collection Licenses and Media info at
g Kaspersky Endpoint Protection for Macintosh – Antivirus for campus.
h OIT Macintosh Support Web Site for updates.
i Unity Macintosh Workflow uses /Users/$uid$ in the Active Directory configuration with a local home on each machine
j Modified Unity Macintosh Installs are supported by the unit which has made the modifications.
k OIT supports only Apple, Intel (i386) hardware for Mac OS and software. Only unmodified iOS is supported.
l Please remember to check prices at to verify best price with NC State Marketplace
m Authorized NC State personnel wanting to get access to training and tools for Apple Certified Technician should register at Email for Sold-to Account number and approval. Must login each month to keep!!
n UNC Combined Pricing Initiative (CPI)
o Casper Suite Enterprise service (, for details)
p JNUC is Oct 13-15, 2015 Everette attending.
2) Update on Proposed Disk Encryption Standard – 5 min.
The SCGS Security Technology Working Group is working on a proposal to set a standard for full disk encryption for managed OS X and windows machines (iOS devices encrypt by setting passcode). This would likely be for machines managed by Casper with some type of enterprise encryption key escrow using File Vault 2. Update from Leo Howell: “We almost got the funds at the end of the fiscal year so that the licenses could be added to the (Casper) management system. However, it fell through and other items took priority. Once, the state budget is released we will push for this again. From a standard perspective, we are working on the standard that will include encryption requirements. However, this is a big standard with many other parts so I expect that it will not be completed until Q2 or 3 next year. In the meantime however, if any subset of systems can be encrypted, we recommend that that be done well before the standard is released.”
3) License Renewals – 5 min.
Update from Bill Coker: “Casper renews in November, so I will be contacting everyone in the late September time frame to get updated counts. The CrashPlan renewal is complete, but some have purchased additional licenses. I have been working with Internet2 to amend the agreement because the way it was originally written required that every addition of new licenses required us to sign a new agreement. The amendment removes that language (and I received the amendment on Friday). Once the amendment is signed, we will be purchasing the new licenses people asked for. If anyone is needing even more licenses, have them contact me this week and I will add them to the purchase.” Also Office 2016 is available from the media share now. Discussion
4) Proposed NCSU System and Software Patching Standard – 10 min.
Review of new proposed patching standard. (restricted access)
5)) Q&A – 5 min.
Open Discussion.
Next meeting – Tue. Nov 10, 2015 in Room B16-B Hillsborough from 1:30-2:30 pm.
MacTech – 2nd Tuesday each month: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
MacPolicy – 2nd Tuesday of every quarter: Feb, May, Aug, Nov.
Neither MacPolicy or MacTech will not meet in July.
All meetings will be held in B16-B Hillsborough Bld unless otherwise announced.
Please mark your calendar.