MacTech 10112016

MacTech Group Agenda

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

2:30 to 4:30 — Room B16-B Hillsborough Bld.

1) Announcements – 5 min

  • OIT only supports OS X10.9.5-10.11.6 and macOS 10.12 or newer
  • OIT Macintosh Support Web Site for updates.
  • Slack group #macintosh
  • Apple Sales Rep: Paul & System Eng: Francis
  • macOS and OS X versions that shipped with Intel Hardware:
  • Vintage and Obsolete Apple Products:
  • Apple Education Support Line 800-800-2775 use this number only. Always verify Apple Care Coverage with purchase info.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Protection for Macintosh – Antivirus for campus.
  • Unity Macintosh Workflow uses Active Directory configuration with local home directory at /Users/$uid$
  • OIT supports only Apple, Intel (i386) hardware for Mac OS and software. Only unmodified iOS is supported.
  • Please remember to check prices at to verify best price with NC State Marketplace
  • Authorized NC State personnel wanting to get access to training and tools for Apple Certified Technician should register at   Email for Sold-to Account number and approval. Must login monthly to keep!!
  • UNC Combined Pricing Initiative (CPI)
  • Slack channel
  • Casper Suite Enterprise service  and for details
  • JAMF National Users Conference (JNUC) October 18-20, 2016 Everette will attend

2) Training Needs??- 5 min

  • Secure Your iOS Devices (iPhone and iPad) – Wednesday, October 19, 2016 (12:00 PM – 01:00 PM)
  • OIT-Managing OS X with Casper Suite – TBA
  • OIT-Casper Best Practices for Packagers – TBA
  • OIT-Advanced OS X Management with Casper – TBA

3) Service Updates- 15 min

Casper – Updated to 9.96.  JCDS  will be re-enable after 9.96 patch 1 likely after Nov 1, 2016 and we will begin large package sync.  Hoping to move to JCDS master in Dec 2016 after QA for production stability with large numbers of packages.  Please do not use the patch management yet!  Also remember the status page for services see

CrashPlan -Upgrade to server 5.3 is complete. Some clients upgraded to 5.3. Automatic update has not been turned on because we need to move to 5.x clients (ie native client) only (still many 4.x).  Working with Code42 support on issue with appliance that has no impact on usage but may see web interface unavailable for short time week of Oct 10-14,2016

NetInstall – Use the 10.11.3 set (nuke10113.nbi & sh). Moving nuke.nbi/sh to macOS 10.12 I hope this week.

AutoPKGR – no new packages. Planning move to Casper Patching as it is available.  Issue with macOS 10.12 compatibility.

Kaspersky – New update to release “F” for macOS 10.12 compatibility.  Outstanding issues still remain.

DEP/VPP/Apple School – still working on finding legacy VPP accounts and how to update so we can move to Apple School.  Apple School will also include iTunesU support.  Hope to move all to Apple School in Nov 2016 and look at institutional Apple ID program to see if we can make use of it.  Likely id format <unityid>

4) UNC CAUSE and Apple Managers SIG- 10 min
The focus at UNC CAUSE this year was to spin up special interest groups or SIGS.  We have requested to create the Apple Mangers SIG with target to meet via Google Hangout on quarterly basis.  Waiting for approval and creation at G-Suite. Organizers for the first year at Everette Allen, NCSU and Kevin Snook, ASU. Discussion.

5) macOS 10.12 and 3rd Party Update Lag – 30 min

OIT now officially supports macOS 10.12  Sierra but there are several 3rd party apps that have not yet updated to be compatible.  Here is a good list that circulated on

6) Q&A – 15 min

You ask we try to answer

Next meeting:

MacTech – Tue. Nov 8, 2016 in Room B16-B Hillsborough from 2:30-4:30 pm.

MacTech – 2nd Tuesday each month: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

MacPolicy – 2nd Tuesday each quarter in Feb, May, Sep, Nov.

Neither MacPolicy or MacTech will not meet in July.  Meetings usually held in B16-B Hillsborough Bld.

Please mark your calendar.