Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform is a wide-ranging suite of services and resources for handling various workloads on Google’s Cloud infrastructure. Its offerings span the SaaS to PaaS spectrum, so you can choose to manage your own VM through Google Compute Engine, or you can go serverless, and put your code into a Cloud Function. Read more about Google Cloud’s services.

Getting started with GCP

  • Create a GCP project by visiting
    • Note: By default, you will only be able to create projects in the Experimental Projects location, which must be selected to continue
  • Grant access to your project resources by selecting or searching for the IAM & Admin page. Use the Least Privilege principle when deciding who and what to grant.
  • Use the Navigation Menu ( ☰ ) or the search bar at the top to find the product you’re wanting to use. Some resources will require configuring a billing account.
  • Many product pages provide pricing tables when creating new resources. Pay special attention to these so you have a general idea how much cost will be incurred and at what frequency.
  • Depending on the type of project you are building (especially long-lived projects), you may want to associate your project with NC State billing through an NCSU Project (FAS Account). Reach out to the Cloud Services & Support Team for additional assistance.


To learn more about GCP, we recommend reviewing the following resources.


Google Cloud Service Stabilization Project

There is a project currently underway to accomplish changes in the GCP environment over the next coming months:

  • [DONE] Add a VPN back to campus specifically for the Shared VPC
  • Migrate appropriate services into the Shared VPC if they need access to on campus resources.
  • [DONE] Integration with the Splunk Log Analysis platform for log monitoring and alerting.
  • [In Progress] Re-organization of billing accounts to transition existing GCP customers to a consolidated billing and budgeting structure which will allow for discounts through the Internet2 NET+ GCP agreement
  • [In Progress] Re-organization of Projects into a folder structure utilizing group-based permissions for better role based access control
  • Facilitate additional learning opportunities for interested users to get more familiar with the GCP environment, and make the most of the resources available
  • Facilitate a cohesive process for the application, award, and use of GCP Research Credits aligning with updated billing and budgeting processes.