MacPolicy Group Agenda
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
1:30 to 2:30 — Room B16-B Hillsborough Bld.
1) Announcements – 5 min
- OIT will support only version 10.4.11 or newer of Mac OS X after Dec 31, 2009
- OIT does not have a support policy for Boot Camp.
- OIT does not support Classic mode at all.
- MacOS AMP Licenses and Media at
- VirusBarrior X5 – Update filters with NetUpdate.
- New short url for OIT Macintosh Support Web Site
- Unity Macintosh Kit uses /Users/$uid$ in the Active Directory configuration to create a local home on each machine at login
- Modified Unity Macintosh Kits are supported by the unit which has made the modifications.
- Only Apple, Intel (i386) hardware are supported for Unity Macintosh kits.
- Everette and Hal attending WWDC 2010 June 6-12, 2010
- No MacPolicy or MacTech in July, 2010
- Outages May 16, 2010 due to campus power outage, keyshadows, quicktime streaming, imaging server, and
2) WolfTech AD and Mac OS Update – 10 min.
OIT is now working with the WolfTech AD teams to start populating the required uid/gid attributes in the AD for UNIX based systems like MacOS X. After that we will be working to get the Apple Schema Extensions added to WolfTech. No firm dates are set for these changes. Discussion.
3) Trend Micro Office Scan for Macintosh Managed Client Update – 10 min.
OIT is working with Trend to get a unified installer of the Snow Leopard and the OpenAFS patches for Office Scan Mac. We have also been invited to work with Trend on Office Scan for Mac version 5 beta. We will be looking to see if this will fix the issues we have seen. Discussion.
4) Imaging Server Coop Proposal – 30 min.
OIT is investigating providing a unified imaging server and federated, web based, imaging management system for Mac OS deployment. This would be based on the JAMF Casper Imaging product. An overview of the technology will be given to MacTech 5-11-2010. We would ask that folks that image machines discuss entering into a cooperative with OIT where afp file server space be made available for “scoping” network installation and software repositories. This is a feature of the software package that is easy to setup but requires some planning. How does everyone feel about this concept. Discussion.
5) Q&A – 5 min.
You ask we try to answer.
Next meeting – Tue. Aug 10, 2010 in Room B16-B Hillsborough from 1:30-2:30 pm.
MacTech – 2nd Tuesday each month: 2009: Jan 19, Feb 19, Mar 9, Apr 13, May 11, Jun 8, Aug 10, Sep 14, Oct 12, Nov 9, Dec 14
MacPolicy – 2nd Tuesday of every other month: 2009: Jan. 19, Mar. 9, May. 11, Aug 10, Sep. 14, Nov. 9.
Neither MacPolicy or MacTech will meet in July 2010.
All meetings will be held in B16-B Hillsborough Bld unless otherwise announced.
Please mark your calendar.