University rolls out campus IT Strategic Plan

NC State adopted its first university-wide IT strategic plan this spring. Partners in Innovation: A Strategic Plan for IT at NC State, 2014-2020 provides a framework for the campus community to achieve the IT environment necessary to help the university achieve its mission.

The plan culminates more than a year of gathering information from a broad cross-section of the university community and development by IT governance groups. This effort was led by a strategic planning process team.

The plan’s eight IT Guiding Principles will help everyone in the IT community operate individually and collectively. Its IT Strategic Goals and Strategies set out six areas to focus IT-related efforts between now and 2020, the same time period as the university’s Strategic Planning. Each goal has at least three strategies, developed as starting points to help achieve the goal.

Implementation of the new IT strategic plan will begin soon. Marc Hoit, vice chancellor for information technology and chief information officer, has appointed Greg Sparks, director of OIT Communication Technologies, to establish a team to champion the next implementation phase.