University IT Strategic Planning

The Next Generation IT Strategic Plan

CIO Marc Hoit is leading the process to draft a new IT strategic plan to support the university’s latest strategic plan.

Phase 1:

Gathered input on updates to the previous goals and suggest new ones. This was accomplished through a survey to ALL IT personnel allowing up to three proposed new goals. Marc took these proposed new goals along with the original goals and grouped them into themes and went back to campus to rank the themes using a follow up survey.

Phase 2:

During the IT Community Event in November Marc hosted a session to generate new strategies for the top ranked goals resulting from the Phase 1 surveys.

Phase 3: Current

Share a draft of the outcomes from Phases 1 & 2 and work to finalize the new strategic plan with additional input from IT governance groups, the IT community and other campus stakeholders. Provide opportunities for discussion and then final agreement on the new plan.

Partners in Innovation: A Strategic Plan for IT at NC State, 2014-2020

Information about NC State’s first unified IT Strategic Plan has been migrated from this site. Most of the content can be found in this directory, including: