New Team Drive settings provide more protection

Later this month, NC State G Suite users will notice additional protections available for their Team Drives, or shared spaces, on the web.  

Team Drive members with full access can now determine if content at the Drive level can be:

  • Shared with users who are not in their domain.
  • Shared with users who are not members of the Team Drive.
  • Downloaded, copied or printed by commenters and viewers.

With these new settings, users should consider the following:

  • Protections on an individual document will remain when the document is placed into a Team Drive.
  • If the Team Drive has more restrictive protections than an individual document, then the document will accrue those protections while it is in the Team Drive.
    Therefore, some users may lose access to a document if they are not a part of the Team Drive. Access will be restored if the document is removed from the Team Drive.

Here’s an example of the new settings:

Screenshot of Settings















For additional information on these updates and other G Suite announcements, check out the latest edition of What’s New In G Suite or follow the NC State Google Services Team on Google+.