Google to implement new management settings in Google Groups

Google is consolidating frequently used management features and controls in Google Groups and removing those that are rarely used.

Beginning Monday, June 3, Google will implement the following new consolidated functionalities in the NC State G Suite domain to provide easier Group management for Group managers:

  • Settings to add, approve and invite users to Groups will be merged into a single setting to manage Groups members.
  • Settings to approve posts, delete posts and lock topics will be merged into a single setting to moderate content.
  • Settings to add and change tags and other metadata will be merged into a single setting to moderate metadata.

Group Managers

  • You will see a new set of controls and features for the management of your groups.
  • If you do not have custom roles or configurations, you will see no changes to your current Groups configuration.
  • If you have custom roles or configurations, you should confirm these settings prior to June 3 and then again after the implementation of the new controls to ensure your settings have carried over correctly.
  • You are encouraged to review Google’s support pages for more information on these setting changes.

Group Members
If you do not have management or moderation permissions, you will not be impacted by these changes.

If you have any questions, contact the NC State Help Desk at or 919.515.4357.