Submit EPS exception and implementation plan before June 30

In accordance with the Endpoint Protection Standard (EPS), campus IT staff are reminded to enroll university-owned Windows and Mac devices in an approved configuration management system by Sunday, June 30. Those who cannot comply with the EPS by June 30 should complete an IT exception and an implementation plan as soon as possible.

The EPS explains the minimum security precautions that campus must meet to protect university data. These security measures are required by the university’s Computer Use Regulation.

IT Exceptions

Implementation Plan

If you cannot comply with the EPS by the June 30 deadline, in addition to completing the IT exception request, you will also need to complete the EPS Implementation Plan, which details your compliance strategy. Please include your new deadline for the extension request in the plan.


NOTE: If you need to modify, add or delete more than five endpoints (e.g., computers) in an IT exception request, an exception amendment or an implementation plan:

  • Copy and save a version of the EPS Endpoint Inventory Template.
  • Complete the template.
  • Save the template as an Excel spreadsheet and upload it to your IT exception request, exception amendment or implementation plan.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact the NC State Help Desk at or 919.515.4357 (HELP).