The Information Technology Strategic Advisory Committee (ITSAC) and the Campus IT Directors (CITD), facilitated by the Process Steering Team, have developed a draft of IT Guiding Principles and begun work on creating a set of IT Strategic Goals. The actions were based on the feedback and input gathered from campus stakeholders during the spring and summer.
The guiding principles—or ways we want to operate as an IT community—are the first of the three major components that will make up the university-wide IT Strategic Plan under development. In a workshop on Sept. 20, the ITSAC and CITD will continue to draft the IT Strategic Goals—the second component of the plan—which sets out the IT-related targets they want to meet to help the university meet its goals. Other IT governance subcommittees and stakeholders along with the CITD and ITSAC will then be invited to help develop the strategies to carry out the goals—the third major component of the plan—at an upcoming brainstorming session.
Please share your feedback with members of the IT Governance groups as they help to develop the plan. Updates, notes and documentation related to the process are on the University IT Strategic Planning website.