Phishing attacks are primary cyber security threats to NC State’s campus, requiring vigilance and action on everyone’s part to protect both personal and university data against these never-ending attacks.
In celebration of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM) in October, the Office of Information Technology (OIT), along with the NC State Department of Computer Science, ePartners Program, and NC State Engineering Foundation, will co-sponsor “Protect the Pack: Turn on 2FA” to inform campus users of the dangers of phishing attacks and security measures to protect themselves, such as Google 2-Step Verification for G Suite accounts and Duo Security for Shibboleth web-based applications, NC State’s mandatory two-factor authentication solutions.
These two-step login processes make it extremely difficult for a hacker to breach an account, thwarting up to 98 percent of all phishing attacks — typically email attempts to lure you into disclosing your personal information for nefarious uses. To protect both personal and university data, NC State requires all university employees to enroll in both Google 2-Step and Duo by Oct. 31.
October 2017 marks the 14th annual CSAM event sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security in cooperation with the National Cyber Security Alliance to increase the awareness and prevention of online security problems.
During this year’s CSAM main event, Cheri Caddy of the National Security Agency (NSA) will deliver the keynote address, “Cyber Security: The Ultimate Joint Mission,” on Tuesday, Oct. 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Stewart Theatre of Talley Student Union. Currently director of the Enduring Security Framework with the NSA’s public-private partnership on cyber security, Caddy leads efforts to engage the Information Technology and Defense Industrial Base sectors, along with external partners, in jointly addressing technical and operational cyber vulnerabilities and risks to both national security systems and external critical infrastructure. Formerly a National Security Council member, Caddy served as director for cybersecurity policy. While at the White House, she coordinated cybersecurity efforts for federal and state governments, the private sector and foreign partners as she shaped national security policies.
Register for this exciting event through REPORTER and join us for the opportunity to win great prizes, including
- Apple Watch Series 2, provided by AuriStor
- Beats’ Powerbeats3 wireless earphones, provided by CDW-G
- Samsung Galaxy Tab, provided by CDW-G
- One-day training sessions, provided by NC State Technology Training Solutions
- North Face Backpack, provided by Insight Public Sector
2FA Enrollment Activities
Throughout October, OIT will offer a number of 2FA days — including workshops, drop-in help sessions, and online question-and-answer sessions — to assist campus users with their enrollment in Google 2-Step and Duo Security. For a complete list of these activities, please see NC State’s Cyber Security Awareness Month 2017 website.