What’s new with Shared Drives?

If you missed the announcement this summer, Google renamed Team Drives to Shared Drives to better reflect the broader use of this shared space across organizations.

The name is the only change; none of the functionality has been impacted.

Google also introduced new security controls and a “hide” feature in Shared Drives over the past few months:

  • New security settings at the Shared Drives level will allow you to:
    • Limit sharing outside of North Carolina State University.
    • Limit sharing with non-members.
    • Restrict download, copy and print actions for viewers and commenters.
  • Hide Shared Drive feature will allow you to:
    • Prioritize content.
    • Hide inactive projects or files. They can be displayed if access is needed at a later date.

Note: The “Hide Shared Drive” feature only impacts the user’s personal view. It does not impact other users sharing the Drive.

You can access both of these features from the Shared Drives menu.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, contact the NC State Help Desk at help@ncsu.edu or 919.515.4357 (HELP). For additional information on other G Suite announcements, check out the latest edition of What’s New In G Suite.