Share Names and LANTechs for Campus Units

For each campus unit (e.g., department, office) whose workstations are managed by Managed Desktops and Hosted Services, the table below provides:

  • campus unit
  • unit’s share name (needed when setting up a remote connection to the share)
  • name(s) of the unit’s LANTech(s)

The table is in alphabetical order by campus unit (first column). Instead of scrolling through the table, you can use your web browser’s search feature to find what you need as follows:

  1. While holding down the Control key (PC) or Apple key (Mac), press the letter F key.
  2. Type the desired word(s) you want to find. If found, the word(s) will be highlighted.
  3. To find the next occurrence of the same word(s), press the Enter/Return key.

To change the LANTech for your department, click here for instructions.

Campus Unit Share Name/OU LANTechs
Advancement Services ADVSVCS Patricia Schon
Shannon Sease
Nikki Bell
Julie Macialek
Elizabeth Olszowy
Marcel Cascasan – OIT Embedded Support
African American Cultural Center AACUL Melissa Jackson
Stephanie Jacobs (backup)
Alumni Relations UNIVALUM Rachel Robichaux
Nikki Bell
Julie Macialek
Elizabeth Olszowy
Marcel Cascasan – OIT Embedded Support
Athletics – Business & Operations ATHBUS Adam Ring
Tate Spain
Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center BTEC Jennifer Sasser
NC State Bookstores UNIVBOOK Jim Wilder
Michael Benoist
Caldwell Fellows CALDFEL Victoria Vass
Nikki Bell
Julie Macialek
Elizabeth Olszowy
Marcel Cascasan – OIT Embedded Support
Campus Enterprises CMPENT Christopher Dunham
Campus Enterprises Facilities Operations CMPENTFO TBA
TJ Willis – backup
Campus Police (Public Safety) POLICE Thomas J. Vigilante
David Boggs
Capital Project Management CAPMGMT Rose Fortier
Sally Rau
Daniel Ziser
Also see Facilities Division
Centennial Campus Partnership Office CENTPART Marie Bauschka
Center for Marine Sciences & Technology CMAST Linda Dunn
College of Sciences Dean’s Office COSDEAN Rick Johnson
Terry Byron
Dining & Catering Operations DINING Christopher Dunham
E. Carroll Joyner Visitor Center VISCTR David Warpoole
Enterprise Application Services OITEAS Vacant
Interns for OITEAS, OITBUS, and COMTECH INTERNS Verna Little
Environmental Health and Safety UNIVEHS Tony Armisto
External Affairs, Partnerships and Economic Development EAPED Debbie Robertson
Tenille Naumann
Facilities Division FACIL Daniel Ziser
Facilities Administration FACILADM See Facilities Division
Facilities Budget Office FACILBUD See Facilities Division
Facilities Operations FACILOPS See Facilities Division
Finance Division TREAS Tabitha Groelle
Foundations Accounting FOUNDACC Marly Lee
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Center GLBT Melissa Jackson
Stephanie Jacobs (backup)
Graduate School GRDSCH Darren White
Human Resources UNIVHR Joe Matise
Jesse Dean
Institute for Emerging Issues EMRGISSU James Herrick
Intensive English Program IEPROG Jennifer Brown Edwards
Greg Timberlake – OIT Embedded Support
Internal Audit Division UNIVAUD Jenny Dott-Crouse
Office of International Programs INTLPRG Michael Andrew Shurer
Greg Timberlake – OIT Embedded Support
Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science KENAN Tara Spivey
Materials Support MATSUP Nikki Faison
Kristen Shelton
Monica O’Brien
Molecular Education, Technology and Research Innovation Center METRIC Jeff Enders
Multicultural Student Affairs MULTSAF Melissa Jackson
Stephanie Jacobs (backup)
NC Sea Grant SEAGRANT Mary Beth Barrow
NC Space Grant SPACE Mary Beth Barrow
Office for Institutional Equity & Diversity UNIVIED Melissa Jackson
Stephanie Jacobs (backup)
Office of Contracts & Grants CONGRANT Roger Rainwater
Houston Alexander
Office of Cost Analysis UNIVCOST Val Thompson
Jennifer Coltrane (backup)
Office of Faculty Development FACULDEV Kelly Maxey
Office of General Counsel UNIVLAW Kathryn Bogle
Office of Institutional Research & Planning OIRP Grae Desmond
Office of Global Engagement
(was Office of International Affairs)
INTLAFF Greg Timberlake
– OIT Embedded Support
Global Training Initiative GLOTRAIN David K. McNeill
Greg Timberlake – OIT Embedded Support
Office of Research & Innovation ORIED Sibyl Smith
Office Research Commercialization TECHTRAN Nicholas LeBlanc
Christian Capobianco
Miranda Drake
Office of the Chancellor CHAN Charisse Rogers
Office of the Faculty Senate FACULSEN TBA
Office of the University Architect UNIVARCH Rose Fortier
Sally Rau
Daniel Ziser
Also see Facilities Division
Office of the Vice Chancellor for
Finance & Administration
UNIVFNB Missie Davis
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology & CIO OITCIO Darrick Bremner
OIT Business Services OITBUS Vacant
OIT Help Desk OITHELP Joseph Hurst
OIT Operations OITOPS Morgan Cheek
OIT Outreach, Communications & Consulting OITOCC Darrick Bremner
OIT Security & Compliance OITSEC Neal McCorkle
OIT Shared Services OITSSERV Avent Ferry Technology Center:
Hillsborough Building:
Gary Li
OIT Technology Support Services OITTSS Darrick Bremner
Parents & Families Services PARNTSVC Karlisle Kirkland
Hannah Bryan – backup
Park Scholarships PARKSCH Mary Kornegay
Power America POWAM Heather Carroll
Randy Bickford
NC State European Center in Prague PRAGUE Tomer Mataraso
Proposal Development Unit PROPDEV Sibyl Smith
Provost’s Office PROVOST James Herrick
Purchasing UNIVPUR Nikki Faison
Kristen Shelton
Monica O’Brien
Registration & Records REGREC Karlisle Kirkland
Hannah Bryan – backup
Scholarships & Financial Aid FINAID Erik Piper
Scholarship Programs SCHPRG Karlisle Kirkland
Hannah Bryan – backup
Shelton Leadership Center SHELTON Debbie Acker
James Herrick
Small Business & Technology Development Center SBTDC Adriana Lanzas
Sponsored Programs & Regulatory Compliance Services (SPARCS) SPARCS Monique Burnette
Student Services Center STUSVCS Erik Piper
Study Abroad Office STDYABRD Marina Ward
Lowell West
Greg Timberlake – OIT Embedded Support
Trademark Licensing TRADEMRK Alissa Tannenbaum
Transportation TRANSPOR Ronnie Bowen
Angie Walker
Undergraduate Admissions UGRDADM Marty Link
David Warpoole
University Budget Office UNIVBUD Val Thompson
Jennifer Coltrane (backup)
University Cashier’s Office UNIVCASH Andrea Davis Gonzalez
Jason Walker
University Communications UNIVCOM Alissa Tannenbaum
Nikki Bell
Julie Macialek
Elizabeth Olszowy
Marcel Cascasan – OIT Embedded Support
University Controller’s Office UNIVCTRL Karen Visnosky
Ruthie Fairbanks
Brent Leidall
James Sammon
Heidi Kozlowski
University Development UNIVDEV Ginger Duncan
Nikki Bell
Julie Macialek
Elizabeth Olszowy
Marcel Cascasan – OIT Embedded Support
University Real Estate & Development UNIVRED Danell Harrison
Connie Sun
Water Resources Research Institute WATERRES Mary Beth Barrow
Wolfcopy WOLFCOPY Nikki Faison
Kristen Shelton
Monica O’Brien
Women’s Center WOMENCEN Melissa Jackson
Stephanie Jacobs (backup)