Awards and Recognitions

Toast Awards

To show your appreciation and give someone a T.O.A.S.T. award, simply complete our T.O.A.S.T. Awards Form. After you submit the form, you will receive a certificate that can be printed and presented to the recipient as a way of saying “Thank you” and “Job well done”.

TOAST Awards Form
TOAST Award Recipients


Pride of the Wolfpack

On a quarterly basis, the Office of Information Technology honors staff members who make significant contributions to improving the services, systems and experiences of OIT, as well as the campus community. It is a wonderful opportunity to recognize our colleagues and to say, “Thank you for a job well done.” This program is generously sponsored by Wolfpack Outfitters and recipients receive a framed certificate.
Would you like to nominate an OIT employee for the Pride of the Wolfpack Award, but aren’t sure how to go about it? Here are a few questions that can help:

What problem did they solve? What challenges did they face and how did they overcome them? Did they demonstrate leadership on the job? Did they save their department or the University time or money? Did they improve relationships at work? Did they make a significant contribution to improving the services, systems, and experiences of OIT and/or the campus community?

Pride of the Wolfpack Nomination Form
Pride of the Wolfpack Winners

IT Community Awards

The NC State IT Community Awards aim to recognize teams and individuals that have made a significant collaborative impact within the IT Community. Nominations for these awards, first started in 2019, are open to any member of the NC State IT Community.

NC State IT Community Awards

University Awards for Excellence

The University Awards for Excellence Program (UAFE) was established in 1996. This awards program recognizes the accomplishments and achievements of employees who contribute to the University’s success. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has three department level awards — 2 SHRA and 1 non-faculty EHRA.

You are invited, and encouraged, to participate by nominating a fellow co-worker or supervisor for the OIT UAFE. Any permanent SHRA employee or non-faculty EHRA employee can be nominated. All campus employees—individuals or groups—may submit nominations; however, nominees must be individuals.

2024 Nomination Deadline: January 31, 2024
2024 Ceremony: March 18, 2024

University Awards for Excellence Nomination Form

NC State Staff Senate Shout Out

If you know of a NC State University staff member who deserves additional praise for going above and beyond the realm of their job, shout it out!

NC State Staff Senate Shout Out Form