Outreach, Communications and Consulting

Outreach, Communications and Consulting (OCC) coordinates a wide range of activities and provides training, consulting, project management, video production, and information services to enhance the use of technologies at NC State. This unit, headed by Kim Vassiliadis, acts as a liaison to foster engagement and open communications between OIT and the NC State community it serves.


Design, Education and Outreach

Team leader: Katie McInerney

Services provided by this team include:

  • Conducting faculty and staff training workshops, lunch and learn opportunities, and custom training by request.
  • Creating brochures, flyers, graphics, presentations, and online training tools.
  • Producing publications for new and transfer students and their parents.
  • Participating in or coordinating a variety of activities:
    • New Student Orientation and info fairs
    • New Employee Orientation IT classes
    • special OIT events
  • Managing the Google Service Team and Google Workspace service.

Visit OIT Technology Workshops and Training for more information about some of the services this team provides.

Information and News Services

Team leader: Rhonda Greene

Services provided by this team include:

  • Publishing e-newsletters.
  • Developing OIT website content.
  • Planning and coordinating communications.
  • Marketing events and new services.
  • Developing and editing content for other OIT groups.
  • Gathering information for surveys, planning documents and organizational accountability.

Visit Information and News Services for more information about the services this team provides.

Google Services

Team leader: Chris Shearer

Services provided by this team include:

  • Provide oversight of NC State’s Google Workspace service.
  • Lead the Google Service Team.
  • Promote new and updated Google Workspace services.
  • Collaborate with the campus community to provide a comprehensive support model and service documentation for NC State’s Google Workspace.
  • Collaborate with Google administrators and Vendor Risk & License Management to manage Google Workspace Plus accounts, Jamboard licenses, and Google Cloud Platform.
  • Collaborate externally with Google and other universities via Google Higher Education Customer Advisory Board, Net+ Google Workspace EDU Service Advisory Board, and EDUCAUSE.

Portfolio, Project and Process Services

Team leader: Lavanya Sridharan

Services provided by this team include:

  • Create and maintain standardized project management processes.
  • Provide tools to facilitate the detailed planning/tracking of all complex and significant projects.
  • Evaluate and develop a comprehensive Organizational Resilience Program.
  • Address the needs of the university in terms of people, process, and technology.
  • Provides the framework for the IT Business Continuity Plan.
  • Visit Portfolio, Project and Process Services for more information about the services this team provides.

WolfBytes Video Services

Team leader: BJ Attarian

Services provided by this team include:

  • Offering video and other media production services for OIT and campus clients.
  • Providing media services, including program scheduling and public service announcements for WolfBytes Radio and TV.
  • Developing original programming content and integrating other Wolfpack Athletics, club sports, and intramural content to create PackTV, your source for NC State sports.
  • Offering support for the cable TV (WolfTV) service provided in University Housing and Greek Village.

Visit WolfBytes Video Services for more information about the services this team provides.

University IT Accessibility Services

Team leader: Rebecca Sitton

Services provided by this team include:

  • Ensuring continued compliance with ADA and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
  • Consulting on and advocating for the universal/accessible design of campus IT services and purchases.
  • Evaluating and testing online resources and software for potential integration into the campus IT environment.
  • Educating campus about universal/accessible design principles and best practices.
  • Acting as a liaison with vendors.
  • Participating in national accessibility partnerships.

Visit IT Accessibility at NC State for more information about the services this team provides.